9 mins
Listings -Organisations -Supports
Cork, Kerry & The South
Choral Con Fusion An inclusive choir in Cork City. W: www.choralconfusion.com E: info@choralconfusion.com Socials: @ChoralConFusion
Co-dependents Anonymous -Cork A fellowship to develop healthy and loving relationships.
Meeting via Zoom.
E: info@codaireland.com
Cork LGBT Archive W: www.corklgbtarchive.com
E: info@corklgbtarchive.com X: @CorkLGBThistory FB: CorkLGBTArchive
Gay Project Advocating, informing, supporting and connecting GBTQ+ people. South Parish Community Centre, Sawmill Street, Ballintemple, Cork.
W: www.gayproject.ie E: info@gayproject.ie T: 021 4300 430 (inc) Up Cork LGBTI+ Youth Project / Outstaged Drama Group /
QueerVibes Social Café / Table Talk Café
Gender Odyssey Support Service And Information Project (GOSSIP)
A peer support group for trans people living in the West of Ireland. W: www.gossipgalway.com
E: gossipgalway@gmail.com
Gender Rebels Cork Supporting Cork’s trans, intersex, non-binary and gender nonconforming folk.
W: www.genderrebelscork.com
E: info@genderrebelscork.com Insta: @genderrebelscork
Kerry Diocesan Youth Service (KDYS)
A safe space for LGBTQ+ youth aged 13-17 to meet people, have fun, and learn a little too.
W: www.kdys.ie Listowel E: edeloconnor@kdys.ie
T: 0860651937
Tralee T: 066-7121674
Killarney T: 064-6631748
LINC Advocating for lesbian and bisexual women in Ireland. Support, training and social events. 11a White Street St, Ballintemple, Cork.
W: www.linc.ie E: info@linc.ie T: 021 480 8600
Inc. WorkLINC Education and employment programme.
E: laura@linc.ie LINC Drama / LINC Book Club
Listowel Family Resource Centre -LGBT+
Mentoring Programme For over 18s who identify as LGBTQ+/questioning, or the parents of LGBTQ+/questioning children.
E: Daniel.quirke@listowelfrc.ie T: 0876050069
OUT-Lit LGBT+ Book Club An LGBTQ+ inclusive book club in Cork.
E: out-litbookclub@gayproject.ie T: 021 430 0430 Socials: @OUT-Lit
ScEEN in Kerry LGBTQ+ community group. W: www.sceeninkerry.com E: sceeninkerry@gmail.com
Insta: @sceeninkerry
Seeding the County LGBTQ+ development project. Youghal, Co Cork.
E: seedingthecounty@gmail.com T: 0879890336
The Sexual Health Centre LGBTQ+ sexual health support. Remote services available nationwide. 16 Peters Street, Cork W: www.sexualhealthcentre.com
E: info@sexualhealthcentre.com T: 021 427 6676
Trans Kerry Support Group Support group for trans people 18+. E: transkerry@gmail.com FB: Trans Kerry Support Group Insta: @transkerry_supportgroup
Trans Limerick Community (TLC)
A peer support group for trans, non-binary, gender diverse and questioning adults.
W: www.ormstonhouse.com/translimerick-community/
E: translimerick@gmail.com X & Insta: @TransLimerick.
Transformers Cork / TransParenCi Cork Peer and support group for trans and non-binary youth/parents and family members of trans and nonbinary people.
E: transparencigroup@gmail.com T: 0879202858
We Are Family Peer support group for parents of LGBTQ+ children of any age. Cumann na Daoine, Catherine St, Youghal, Co Cork.
T: 0879890336
Youghal & East Cork LGBTI+ Network Monthly meetups/events. E: lgbtyoughal@gmail.com
T: 0879890336
Galway, The West and North West
AMACH! LGBT+ Galway Advocacy, training and education, health and wellbeing programmes, and social groups for the LGBTQ+ community in Galway and surrounding areas.
Westside Resource Centre, Seamus Quirke Rd, Galway.
W: www.amachlgbt.com E: info@amachlgbt.com
T: 0894975162
Co-Dependents Anonymous -Westport / Galway / Salthill A fellowship to develop healthy and loving relationships.
Meeting via Zoom.
E: info@codaireland.com
GOSHH Limerick (Gender, Orientation, Sexual Health, HIV) Counselling, support, training, rapid testing.
T: (061) 314 354
E: info@goshh.ie W: goshh.ie
ShOUT LGBT+ Youth Project A safe, supportive and positive space for LGBTQ+ young people and allies aged 13-24.
Youth Work Ireland Galway, 41-43 Prospect Hill, Galway City.
E: lisa.cannon@youthworkgalway.ie / shout@youthworkgalway.ie T: 0876595534
Smily LGBT Youth Group Sligo / Leitrim A safe and fun environment, where young LGBTQ+ people can be who they are or want to be.
E: info@ncycs.ie W: www.ncycs.ie/smily-lgbt-youthgroup/
Trans Northwest A peer support group in the Northwest for trans, non-binary, gender fluid and gender non conforming folk.
E: transnorthwestirl@gmail.com Insta: @transnorthwest
The Midlands
Co-Dependents Anonymous -Fermanagh A fellowship to develop healthy and loving relationships.
Meeting via Zoom.
E: info@codaireland.com
Midlands LGBT+ Project Support for and social groups for LGBTQ+ people in Laois, Offaly, Kildare and Westmeath. (inc Trans Midlands) Midlands LGBT+ Project, Unit D, JFL House, James Fintan Lalor Avenue, Portlaoise, Co. Laois.
W: www.midlandslgbtproject.com
E: help@midlandslgbtproject.com T: 0860757985
Trans Waterford A peer support group for trans, nonbinary and questioning adults.
E: transgroup.waterford@gmail.com
Insta: @transwaterford
Northern Ireland
Azlans Ulster’s all inclusive rugby team
E: belfastazlans@gmail.com FB: Azlans
Belfast Blaze FC Belfast’s LGBTQ+/inclusive football team.
Insta: @belfastblaze.f.c
Cork Hellhounds RFC LGBTQ+ inclusive rugby club. W: www.corkhellhounds.ie E: hello@corkhellhounds.ie
Cork Rebels FC Cork’s LGBTQ+ football team.
W: www.corkrebelsfc.com Insta: @corkrebelsfc
Dublin Devils FC Dublin’s LGBTQ+/inclusive football team.
Socials: @DublinDevilsFC
Dublin Front Runners AC LGBTQ+ running club based in Phoenix Park.
W: www.dublinfrontrunners.ie FB: @dublinfrontrunnersac Insta: @dublinfrontrunners
Emerald Warriors RFC LGBTQ+ rugby club, Dublin. W: www.ewrfc.ie Insta: @emeraldwarriors
Flaming Feathers LGBTQ+ badminton club, Dublin.
E: flamingfeathersdublin@gmail.com
Insta: @flamingfeathersbc
Frontrunners & Briskwalkers Cork Cork’s LGBTQ+ running and briskwalking club.
Insta: @frbwcork FB: @frbwcork
Rainbow Project Advice, advocacy, support, sexual health and more for LGBTQ+ people.
W: www.rainbow-project.org T: Belfast 02890319030
Derry 02871283030
Rainbow Refugees Welcoming LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers in Northern Ireland.
E: rainbowrefugeesni@gmail.com
Insta: @rainbowrefugeesni
In4Squash LGBTQ+ squash club, Dublin. FB: In4squash Ireland
LINC Rebels LGBTQ+ women’s soccer team in Cork.
E: ciara@linc.ie
Na Gaeil Aeracha Dublin LGBTQ+ inclusive GAA club. Socials: @NaGaeilAeracha
Out And About Dublin-based hiking club W: www.gay-hiking.org E: info@gay-hiking.org
Out 2 Tennis Dublin LGBTQ+ tennis club. FB: Out2tennis Insta: @out2tennis
Pink Ladies Hockey LGBTQ+ hockey club in Dublin. W: www.pinkladieshockey.com
E: pinkladieshcdublin@gmail.com
Sporting Pride Developing LGBTQ+ inclusivity in sport.
W: www.sportingpride.ie Insta: @SportingPrideIreland X: @SportingPrideIE
Waterford Front Runners LGBTQ+ running club based in Tramore.
Insta: @WaterfordFrontRunners
Wet and Wild Sports and social club.
Insta: @wetandwildsportsclub
Outhouse LGBTQ+ Centre
105 CAPEL ST, D01 R290
Outhouse LGBTQ+ Centre is a community space in Dublin offering diverse programmes, services and resources for LGBTQ+ individuals, groups and organisations.
LGBTQ+ Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) www.lgbtaaireland.com 7 - 8pm, Every Monday Dublin Men’s Group 7:30pm, Every Monday
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) www.na-ireland.org 7:30 - 9pm, Every Tuesday GBTQ+ Men’s Personal Development Course (Ages 24+)
Free 6-week course. 6 - 8pm, Tuesdays at selected dates LBTQ+ Women’s Personal Development Course (Ages 24+)
Free 6 week course. 6 - 8pm, Tuesdays at selected dates
GOLD Café Social for LGBTQ+ folk 55+ 3 - 5pm, Every Wednesday T-Time Café Social for trans & non-binary folk 7 - 9pm, Every Wednesday Garda Advice Clinic 6 - 8pm, Last Wednesday of every month MPOWER Rapid HIV testing (FREE)
Walk-in clinic, no appointment needed 6 - 8pm, Every Wednesday Acting Out Workshops 7 - 8:30pm, Every Wednesday Book Club (Reserve your spot) 6 - 8pm, Every Month
Open Mic Night 6:30 - 8:30pm, Third Thursday of every month Bi+ Monthly Café Social for bi+/ pansexual folk 6 - 8pm, Thursday every 2 weeks Married Men’s Group 7 - 9pm, First Thursday of every month
Men’s Night 7 - 9pm, Every Friday in the Library Sapphic Social Café Social for LBTQ+ women & non-binary folk 6:30 - 8:30pm, Every Friday TEADANCE: Sober Dance Social Alcohol-free soirée (Over 18s) 7 - 9pm, Third Friday of every month LGBTQ+ Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) www.lgbtaaireland.com 7 - 8pm, Every Friday
Kindr Queer Men’s Recovery Group 12:30 - 1:30pm, Every Saturday Gay Guy’s Café 3 - 5pm, Every Saturday
LGBTQ+ Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) www.lgbtaaireland.com 7 - 8pm, Every Sunday More events at www.outhouse.ie/events
Dublin LGBTQ+ Pride www.dublinpride.ie info@dublinpride.ie Dublin Lesbian Line www.dublinlesbianline.ie (01) 872 9911
The Switchboard www.theswitchboard.ie ask@theswitchboard.ie (01) 872 1055
ShoutOut www.shoutout.ie director@shoutout.ie Gay Health Network www.gayhealthnetwork.ie Sex Workers Alliance Ireland www.sexworkers allianceireland.org info@swai.eu Abortion Rights Campaign abortionrightscampaign.ie info@abortionrights.ie
Why is hepatitis B an issue?
Over the last six months, there has been an increase in the number of acute hepatitis B cases reported in Ireland. These cases have been seen mostly in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM). While overall the numbers remain small, acute hepatitis B can be serious and result in complications including hospitalisation and can occasionally lead to chronic infection with longer term implications.
What is it?
Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus. The infection can be an acute short lived illness, usually with full recovery or it can become chronic (long term) in a small proportion of cases. Chronic infection puts people at risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer. Treatment is available for people with chronic hepatitis B.
Why is it of significance to gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM)?
Although anyone can get hepatitis B, the gbMSM community has higher rates of hepatitis B in general. There has been a higher number of recent acute hepatitis B diagnoses in gbMSM compared to the general population over the past six months.
The hepatitis B virus can be spread through sexual contact. The hepatitis B virus can be found in the blood, semen and other body fluids of an infected person. A person who has sex with an infected partner can become infected with the virus if they have not been vaccinated. Consistently wearing a condom reduces the risk of infection.
What are the symptoms of hepatitis B?
Many people with hepatitis B don’t know they are infected with the virus because they don’t feel or look sick. However, they can still spread the virus to others. Symptoms of acute hepatitis B include:
• yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
• dark urine
• feeling very tired
• nausea
• vomiting
• pain in the abdomen.
If you are concerned that you might have been exposed to the hepatitis B virus or have symptoms of hepatitis B it is important to see your doctor immediately.
How do we protect ourselves from hepatitis B?
The best way to protect yourself from hepatitis B is to get vaccinated.
Vaccination is recommended for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM) and transgender people if not previously vaccinated.
Other ways to protect yourself from hepatitis B are to practice safe habits by using condoms for anal, vaginal and oral sex. We recommend using latex gloves for fisting, cleaning sex toys before sharing, and not sharing toothbrushes, earrings, needles or blades.
However, getting vaccinated is the most effective way to prevent hepatitis B infection.
How do we go about getting a vaccine?
Hepatitis B vaccines are free and available in public STI clinics. You can find your local STI centre by visiting man2man.ie/vaccines.
If you have a medical card, you can also get the vaccine for free at your GP. If you don’t have a medical card, you can still get the vaccine for free but there may be an administration fee.
The vaccine is usually given over six months and usually involves three injections. You’ll be asked to return after you have completed the course for a blood test to check how you have responded. Some people respond really well and never need to be checked again. Some people may need booster vaccine doses in the future. A small number of people don’t respond to the vaccine. So, to get your vaccine, contact your local STI clinic or visit your GP.
Is there anything else we can do?
Hepatitis B virus can also be spread through sharing contaminated needles, syringes and other types of drug equipment. It is always safer to not take drugs, but if you use any type of drugs it is important to reduce your risk of hepatitis B by not sharing any type of drug equipment. Using banknotes to snort drugs and sharing snorting equipment can spread hepatitis from person to person. If you decide to use drugs then be aware of and follow our harm reduction advice. For more information see man2man.ie/cocaine.
For more information on hepatitis B and getting vaccinated visit man2man.ie/hepb
Thanks to Dr Celia O’Hare, Specialist Registrar in Public Health Medicine with the HSE Public Health: National Health Protection Office.
Man2Man.ie, a joint initiative by GHN and the HSE, serves as the national HIV Prevention & Sexual Health Awareness program targeting gay, bisexual and men who have sex with men (gbMSM) in Ireland.