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The following letter appeared in a recent edition of Gai Pied, the weekly French newsmagazine. It was too wonderful not to print and even our Dorothy would have approved.

"I am 62 years ofage. Until 1980 I had always suppressed the homosexual tendencies Ifelt in me. / married and five children were born during my marriage. When I eventually had to bow to the facts, I have tried, as best I could, to adopt and live up to my real personality, which I think I have now achieved. My wife left me as a result and all my children were informed about the 'situation. Strangely, however, the 'revelation about me has brought the children (who are all heterosexuals) and me closer together.

Eighteen months ago / met a man 7 years my junior. Our physical relationship has developed rapidly. In short, we love each other in the strongest meaning of this term. My friend, however, is English and after a sabbatical year in France, he went back to his country and his wife, whom he loves dearly. We correspond frequently and abundantly which strengthens our lovefor each other. My friend had originally failed to admit to his wife (who had her suspicions!) the exact and true nature of our relationship which she discovered subsequently .... She, however, showed no harshness towards me. On the contrary she invited me to spend a few days in their house in London and suggests he spend part of his own holidays with me. Another striking aspect of this relationship is the absence ofany feeling ofjealousy.

We are putting into practice the words ofRoger Garandy who said: 'Love begins the moment we prefer the other to ourselves, and respect his/her indefeasiblefreedom'.

Editors answer:

Your letter needs no comment. It expresses how sensible beings, when arriving at a crossroads in their lives, succeed in believing in happiness, in living it without playing havoc with the lives of others around them."


According to Der Spiegel more than 300 gays have been murdered in Brazil during the last three years. It would appear that many of these murders are not investigated by the police and investigation is often not requested by relatives of the victims. Brazilian society is in general hostile towards homosexuals: for example, the chief justice of the state of Pernambuco announced last year that homosexuals would not be accepted for official jobs within the judiciary. Victims of violence often fail to report events to the police as in cases involving homosexuals it is the practice to pass on to the press all details, including the name and photograph of the victim.


According to the 'British Medical Journal', the British general doctor shows little concern when it comes to AIDS. A study which was carried out in 3 different regions shows that very few are prepared to inform the public; 16% among them think that making homosexuality a criminal offence is an efficient way to check the epidemic. The general practitioners questioned are not even sure about the way the virus is being transmitted; some speak of tears, of saliva or insects as transmitters! Others are in favour of compulsory testing.

According to a recent issue of "Gai Pied", Paris, 76% of the members of the French medical profession remain opposed to the compulsory tracking down of the HIV virus. Yet, according to a survey carried out among them by Sofres, AIDS takes only 4th place in their concern about health (after heart related illnesses, cancer and alcoholism). For the majority among them (79%), "priority should be given to development of means to prevent AIDS", while 48% held that it was "necessary to encourage medical research into AIDS".



1 in 5 Norwegians thinks homosexual sex between men should be recriminalised, according to a poll recently taken by the Health Directorate in Oslo.

According to the Oslo monthly, Fritt Fram, this figure is a sharp increase on the results of a similar poll taken in 1984, when no more than 2% of the Norwegian population thought recriminal-isation was the proper course.

The result of the poll will be discussed by the nationwide gay and lesbian Organisation, DNF '48 when it meets shortly with the Health Directorate. Commenting on the figures DNF '48 Chairman Kjell Erik Oie, said the results had given him a shock but feit it was impossible to compare the figures with the '84 poll.

a negative influence on answers". Oie was also of the opinion that the poll results indicate the tasks of the Norwegian lesbian and gay movement over the next few years, and stressed the need for human and financial resources in counteracting the trend.

The DNF '48 Chairman was quick to point out the strong support of the Norwegian Health Authorities in the common fight against AIDS, and denied accusations that the Health Authorities should be held responsible for the shift in public opinion: "The Situation would have been tenfold worse if not for the binding spirit between the Health Authorities and the gay movement".

This article appears in Issue 7

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