9 mins
LINC - Menopause Café Monthly, online menopause group meet to discuss peri-menopause and menopause offering information, shared experiences, and peer support.
E: info@linc.ie for zoom link.
LINC After Dark Offering community members a space to connect, share experiences and guidance. Meets weekly on Thursday nights over zoom.
E: info@linc.ie for zoom details.
TransParenCI Minis A support group specifically for parents of trans and non-binary children up to the age of 12. Meets once a month via Zoom.
E: transparencigroup@gmail.com
Transcend A support group for 18-24 yr olds. Meets online every 6 weeks via zoom. E: transparencigroup@gmail.com
Trans Writers Union Offers to put trans creatives in contact with people seeking to platform trans voices; to create clear, accessible ways for trans writers to meet their contemporaries; and to offer support to every trans writer from the budding hobbyist to the published author.
E: transwritersu@gmail.com W: transwritersunion.com
Gender.rip A loose association of trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and gender curious/questioning artists ready to kill gender. E: gender.rip@gmail.com W: https://www.gender.rip/
LGBT Helpline -LGBTI+ Older and Bolder Online Community An exclusive self-help and mutual support space for Older members of the Irish LGBT Community to connect and make the most of our diverse community during this period of uncertainty. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/506586810006505
LGBT Helpline -LGBTI+ Telefrieding Service Telefriending is an opportunity for older members to connect with another person who also identifies as LGBTI+ to share joy, laughter and receive mutual connection and support by telephone. W: https://lgbt.ie/telefriending/
Dublin & The East
Dundalk Outcomers 8 Roden Place Dundalk T: 042 932 9816 W: outcomers.org
Outhouse -LGBT Community Resource Centre 105 Capel Street, Dublin 1 W: www.outhouse.ie T: 01 873 4999
E: info@outhouse.ie F: Outhouse T: @Outhouse Dublin
Outhouse -GOLD (GBT+ Men 55+) A Peer Support Group for gay men who are 55+ List of Services: Wednesday afternoon, Fridays, GOLD Café for older men, 12pm-3pm T: (01) 873 4999 W: http://www.outhouse.ie/page16.html
Outhouse -Acting Out E: actingoutgroup@gmail.com T: 0851289130 Address: Outhouse, 105 Capel Street, Dublin W: www.actingoutgroup.com Twitter and Instagram: @actingoutgroup
LGBTAA Ireland - Live & Let Live AA Group St Teresa’s Church, Clarendon St, Dublin 2.
Email: lgbtaaireland@gmail.com
W: www.lgbtaaireland.com Update on meetings:
In person meetings: Tuesday Beginners Meeting 6.30pm. Saturday Step Meeting 7.30pm / Zoom meeting: Wed: 6.30pm
LGBTAA Ireland -LGBT AA Group Outhouse Outhouse, 105 Capel St, Dublin 1. Email: lgbtaaireland@gmail.com
W: www.lgbtaaireland.com Update on meetings: http://lgbtaaireland.com/index.php/ lgbt-aa-meetings/
In-person meetings: Mon: 8:00 pm (6:30pm on Bank Holidays), Fri: 8.00pm, Sun: 6.30pm Zoom meetings: Mon: 8.00pm, Fri: 8.00pm Sun: 6.30pm
Belong To Tuesdays -The New Young Person Project Every Second Monday, 5-6pm, Online Belong To, 13 Parliament St. Temple Bar, Dublin 2 T: (01) 670 6223 W: belongto.org
Dundalk Outcomers Women’s Night 3rd Monday of each month. T: 042 932 9816 W: outcomers.org
LGBTAA Ireland -Secular LGBT+ AA Group Monday, 1pm, Zoom meeting Email: lgbtaaireland@gmail.com
Website: www.lgbtaaireland.com Update on meetings: http://lgbtaaireland.com/index.php/lgbt-aa-meetings/
Dundalk Outcomers Men’s Night T: 042 932 9816
W: outcomers.org
Belong To Tuesdays -Over 18’s Group (18-23) 6-8pm Belong To, 13 Parliament St. Temple Bar, Dublin 2 T: (01) 670 6233 W: belongto.org
Belong To Tuesdays -Under 18’s Group (13-17) 6-8pm Group for LGBT young people in a safe and fun environment Belong To, 13 Parliament St. Temple Bar, Dublin 2 T: (01) 670 6223 W: belongto.org
Individuality 5:30-7:30pm Weekly meeting for trans and non-binary young people and young people questioning their gender identity. Belong To, 13 Parliament St, Temple Bar Dublin 2 For more info T: (01) 670 6233
Or W: belongto.org
Dublin Gaymers A friendly community where LGBT+ people and their allies can hang out, make new friends and play some games. Board gaming nights third Wednesday of every month, Street 66. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DublinGaymers/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1530941753621096/) Discord: https://discord.gg/Ms4RwYGZWW
E: dublingaymers@gmail.com
The Ladybirds Group for LBT gals and non-binary pals! 6-8pm Belong To, 13 Parliament St, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 For more info T: (01) 670 6233 Or W: belongto.org
Small Trans Library -Reading Group: A monthly reading group for trans people to discuss a chapter or two of a trans-authored book! Reading materials can be provided by the library. First Friday of the month, 6pm Address: MoLI -Museum of Literature Ireland, 86 Saint Stephen’s Green, D02 XY43 E: dublin@smalltranslibrary.org
Website: smalltranslibrary.org
Trans Femme Social Group A social group for trans feminine people who meet weekly for a coffee and a chat. Friday, 6:30-8:30pm
E: transfemmesocialgroupdublin@gmail.com
Address: 10 Ellis Quay, Arran Quay, Dublin 7
Small Trans Library -Drop-in library A regular drop-in to browse the library ’s catalogue or have a cosy chill hangout with other trans people for a few hours. Third Saturday of the month, afternoon. Address: TENI Community Space, 10 Ellis Quay, Arran Quay, Dublin E: dublin@smalltranslibrary.org
Website: smalltranslibrary.org
Small Trans Library The Library holds many community events throughout the year. Follow @translibdub or subscribe to tinyletter.com/translibdub
E: dublin@smalltranslibrary.org
Address: C/O 10 Ellis Quay, Arran Quay, Dublin
W: smalltranslibrary.org
Pavee Point E: info@pavee.ie T: 01 8780255 Address: 46 Charles Street Great, Dublin 1 Website: www.paveepoint.ie
Labour LGBT E: lgbt@labour.ie
W: https://labour.ie/section/labourlgbt/ Twitter: @labourlgbt F: Labour LGBT T: 01-6784700
INTO LGBT+ Teachers’ Group Voluntary subgroup of the wider INTO union that advocates for LGBT+ inclusion in primary schools in Ireland.
E: intolgbtgroupsecretary@gmail.com F: Into LGBT Teachers Group Twitter: @intolgbt Instagram: @intolgbt
Gloria -LGBT+ Choir For information visit www.gloria.ie
Dining Out Ireland Organisation
E: info@diningoutireland.org
W: https://www.meetup.com/Gay-Dining-Out-Ireland/
Running Amach Social Networking Site for LGBT+ women in Ireland W: meetup.com/dublin-lgbtqwomens-social-networking-club
NIPS Dublin Gay Mens Nudist Group Group that organises monthly social events.
W: meetup.com/nips-dublin-gaynudists
Gay Men’s Health Service (GMHS) HSE Meath Primary Care Centre, Heytesbury Street, Dublin 8 T: 353 1 9212730
E: mhsclinic@hse.ie W: gmhs.ie
Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI) Advice, help and support. T: (01) 873 3575 E: office@teni.ie W: teni.ie
HIV Ireland 70 Eccles St. Dublin7 T: (01) 873 3799 E: info@hivireland.ie W: hivireland.ie
HSE Helpline -Drugs and Alcohol Helpline and Email Support Service T: 1800 459 459
E: helpline@hse.ie Address: Bridge House, Cherry Orchard Hospital, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 Further Information: www.drugs.ie; www.askaboutalcohol.ie
HSE Helpline - HIV and Sexual Health Helpline and Email Support Service T: 1800 459 459 E: helpline@hse.ie Address: Bridge House, Cherry Orchard Hospital, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 Further Information: www.sexualwellbeing.ie
Belong To Drug and Alcohol Service Support for young people around drugs and alcohol. T: 01 670 6223
W: belongto.org E: drugsoutreach@belongto.org
Man2Man.ie Sexual health information in nine languages.
Alcoholics Anonymous Ireland W: www.alcoholicsanonymous.ie
Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC) Committed to providing a welcome and confidential environment for LGBTQ+ people seeking legal advice on legal issues where gender and sexuality are a factor, Email lgbtqi@flac.ie including your full name, phone number and a brief description. W: flac.ie T: 1890 350 520 or 01- 8745690
LGBT Helpline E: info@lgbt.ie T: 01-6859280 Address: 80 Dame Street, Dublin 2 W: LGBT.ie
TransParenCI Dublin Peer support group for parents and family members of trans people. Monthly Meetings, Online/In-Person E: transparencigroup@gmail.com
Transformers Dublin Peer and support group for trans and non-binary youth. Monthly meetings, Online/In-Person Email: transparencigroup@gmail.com
Trans Peer Support Group Meet on the first and third Wednesdays of the month, from 7-9pm (In-person and Zoom). First meeting of the month in-person in the TENI offices. Please email for the zoom link, as it may change. Periodic social activities when there’s a 5-Wednesday month, examples of previous activities: picnics in the Park, quiz nights and movie nights. Address: Address: TENI, 10 Ellis Quay, Arran Quay, Dublin E: tpsgdublin@gmail.com
Trans Greystones A Trans Community Support Group based in the greater Greystones area. E: transgraystones@gmail.com W: https://www.facebook.com/TransGreystones/
Dublin Lesbian Line For updates and information visit: dublinlesbianline.ie F: Dublin Lesbian Line Twitter: @DubLesbianLine E: info@dublinlesbianline.ie
Transgender Family Support Line A helpline for family members of trans and non binary people. It is a great listening and signposting service for people. T: 01-9073707 Sun: 6pm-9pm Tues: 10am-12pm
The Switchboard Formerly Gay Switchboard Ireland. Dedicated phonelines on different nights of the week serving different areas of the community. T: (01) 872 1055 E: ask@theswitchboard.ie
Greenbow LGBT Deaf Group F: Greenbow Deaf LGBT Ireland
National Union of Students in Ireland E: info@usi.ie T: 01 709 9300 Address: 12 Shamrock Villas Dublin 6W D6W XH75 Website: www.USI.ie
DCU LGBTA Society E: dculgbt@gmail.com Address: Dublin City University, Collins Ave Ext, Whitehall, Dublin 9. Social Media: @dculgbta W: https://dcuclubsandsocs.ie/ society/lgbta Weekly events, every Wednesday and Thursday (Available exclusively to DCU students). Wednesday events are coffee mornings, which allow for casual conversation and meeting new people in the society. Thursday events change by week, and information is available on Instagram.
Cork , Kerry & The South
Gay Project E: info@gayproject.ie T: 021-4300430 Address: Gay Project, South parish Community Centre, Sawmill Street, Ballintemple, Cork, T12 CX32. W: www.gayproject.ie
Cork LGBT Archive [Email, Twitter, and Facebook on Wesbite] W: corklgbtarchive.com E: info@corklgbtarchive.com Twitter: @CorkLGBThistory Facebook: CorkLGBTArchive
Kerry Diocesan Youth Service (KDYS) KDYS is a safe space where you can get the chance to meet people, chat, have fun, and learn a little too. Ages: 13-17 years. W: kdys.ie
KDYS Listowel E: edeloconnor@kdys.ie T: 0860651937 Address: Upper Church Street Listowel Snapchat: kdyslistowel Instagram: @kdyslistowel Facebook: Kdys Listowel Twitter: @KdysListowel
KDYS Tralee T: 066-7121674 Address: KDYS Denny St. Tralee Co. Kerry
KDYS Killarney T: 064-6631748 Address: Fair Hill, Killarney
Listowel Family Resource Centre -LGBT+ Mentoring Programme Available to all those over 18 who identify as LGBT+/questioning, or the parents of LGBT+/questioning children, county-wide E: Daniel.quirke@listowelfrc.ie T: 087-6050069
TransParentCI E: kfrcs20@gmail.com T: 066-7 181333 Address: St. John’s Parish Centre, Castle St., Tralee W: kerryadolescentcounselling.ie
LINC In-person Drop-Ins: Tuesday, Wednesday (11 am -3 pm), Thursday 11 am - 8 pm), and Saturday (2 pm - 4 pm). Come have a cup of tea or coffee, and chat with staff and other community members on the cozy couches indoors or in newly rejuvenated outdoor space. E: info@linc.ie Te: 021 480 8600 Address: 11a White Street St, Ballintemple, Cork, T12 D36W W: www.linc.ie F: LINC Insta: lincIreland Twitter: @LINCwomen
LINC Book Club The LINC Book Club explores a different work each month with queer themes/by LGBTI+ writers. E: info@linc.ie
LINC -WorkLINC Education and employment programme open for one to one appointments and advice with dedicated LINC staff member Laura. E: laura@linc.ie
LINC Drama Tuesday, 7-9pm, script writing, improv, team building and acting workshops. W: www.linc.ie E: info@linc.ie
Gay Project - Table Talk Café 1pm-3pm E: info@gayproject.ie T: 021-4300430 Address: Gay Project, South parish Community Centre, Sawmill Street, Ballintemple, Cork, T12 CX32 W: www.gayproject.ie
Gay Project -QueerVibes Social Café 6pm-8pm E: info@gayproject.ie T: 021-4300430 Address: Gay Project, South parish Community Centre, Sawmill Street, Ballintemple, Cork, T12 CX32 W: www.gayproject.ie
Gay Project - Yoga for Men 7:30pm-8:30pm E: info@gayproject.ie T: 021-4300430 Address: Gay Project, South parish Community Centre, Sawmill Street, Ballintemple, Cork, T12 CX32 W: www.gayproject.ie